Un-serious cube
(360 Card Cube)
Un-serious cube
Cube ID
Art by Tom BabbeyArt by Tom Babbey
360 Card Cube2 followers
Designed by brando
Mana Pool$148.34

The basic idea behind this cube is to create something funny but still enjoyable. The majority of cards comes from silverbordered sets (especially unstable) but it features also weird and/or funny whiteborderes/blackbordered cards. In addition to that the cube also features cards from conspiracy to spice up the draft and arena exclusive cards (a few playable without too much trouble in paper)

it supports 8 players.

wu artifact animation/vehicle
wb midrange hat
wr 7 dwarves aggro
wg augment
ub control
ur spellslinger
ug +1/+1 counters
br die
bg squirrel
rg die

Pack composition:
1 draft card (conspiracy)
1 test card
3 rares
4 uncommons
5 commons
1 land

Mainboard Changelist+1, -1
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