This cube includes only cards from the "pre-modern era", namely before Mirrodin, 2003. It is not premodern in terms of format, as it includes cards that are not legal in the actual Premodern format such as Duals or some banned cards like Entomb, Force of Will, Mystical tutor, Necropotence...
I started Magic the Gathering in 1995 and I wanted to build a Cube where I can put cards that reminds me and my boomer friends the feelings we had playing in the late 90's when we were teenagers.
This is my secondary Cube. My main Cube (Corsican Cube, d73) is Legacy+ and updated at every release. So it is not a friendly environment for some of my beloved cards like Serra Angel, Morphling, Hypnotic specter, Shivan dragon, Argothian wurm, Icy manipulator, Masticore, Spirit monger and so on...
This Cube is a home for this kind of cards. It offers a different experience. If the initial motivation to build it was clearly nostalgia, it turns out to be fun and interesting to draft and to play.