The Connoisseur's Cube (UNFIN)
(87 Card Cube)
The Connoisseur's Cube (UNFIN)
Cube ID
Art by Mark HyzerArt by Mark Hyzer
87 Card Cube0 followers
Designed by Ghash
Mana Pool$519.63

Skeleton Ship - the first "vehicle"

Nether Shadow - the first creature with haste

Cards named after real people:

Nevinyrral's Disk]] and the author Larry Niven

[[Phelddagrif]] is an anagram of [[(Richard) Garfield PhD]], the creator of Magic. Garfield is also depicted in the artwork of [[Jester's Cap|ICE]].

[[Wyluli Wolf]] is an anagram of Lily Wu, Garfield's first wife.

[[Eladamri]] read backwards is Irma Dale, his mother's and father's name. the names of Michael Ryan's parents, a co-designer of Weatherlight block.

[[Ifh-Biff Efreet]]: Ifh-Biff was the childhood nickname of Garfield's sister Elizabeth.

[[Ernham Djinn]] is an anagram of Elizabeth's husband Herman.

[[Ydwen Efreet]] and [[Mijae Djinn]] are anagrams of Wendy and Jamie, two friends of Garfield married to each other.

[[Jalum Tome]] and [[Jayemdae Tome]] stand for Joel L. Mick (JLM) and James Michael Davis (JMD), two friends of Richard Garfield.

Emmessi Tome is named after Michael Scott Elliot, a game designer at WotC. Thanks /u/medussa727!

Leshrac (like in [[Herald of Leshrac]] or [[Leshrac's Sigil]]) is an anagram of "Charles" Page, a playtester at WotC back then.

Telim'Tor is an anagram of Mr Toilet, the nickname of Scott Segal, a designer involved in Mirage and Visions.

[[Maro]]... I don't think I have to explain that one.

Lyna, Soltari Emissary is named after his mother Lynne.

[[Elkin Bottle]] and [[Bösium Strip]] are anagrams of the geometrical figures Klein Bottle and Möbius Strip, which are technically also named after real people.

And a bonus one: [[Mangara]] is an anagram of... anagram.

List of Cards Named After Sets:


1x Apocalypse
1x Cold Snap
1x Conflux
1x Conspiracy
1x Future Sight
1x Hour of Devastation
1x Mirrodin Besieged
1x Morningtide
1x Onslaught
1x Planar Chaos
1x Prophecy
1x Time Spiral
1x Torment
1x Visions
1x Weatherlight

Urza's Saga

Close Enough (6)

1x All Suns' Dawn (Fifth Dawn)
1x Legacy Weapon (Urza's Legacy)
1x The Antiquities War (Antiquities)
1x Time of Ice (Ice Age)
1x Volrath's Stronghold (Stronghold)
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