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Shawn's Pauper EDH cube
(613 Card Cube)
Shawn's Pauper EDH cube
Cube ID
Art by Seb McKinnonArt by Seb McKinnon
613 Card Commander Multiplayer Vintage Cube2 followers
Designed by weirdproq
Mana Pool$269.67

Currently a prototype.
This is a Commander cube that uses just commons and uncommons (based on both MTGO and paper rarities), and follows the Pauper Commander rules of being able to use any uncommon creature as your Commander. (If you see a creature with the rare symbol it is an uncommon online and may be used as your Commander.)
Some additional rules are:

  • Each Commander has partner.
  • Each deck size is 60 cards, adhering to the normal Commander rules, with any exceptions mentioned in the additional rules listed here.
  • If you fail to draft a Commander, or you only have one Commander, you may choose to play with Prismatic Piper (or Pipers) as your Commander.
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