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Commander Cube
(1453 Card Cube)
Commander Cube
Cube ID
Art by Steven BelledinArt by Steven Belledin
1453 Card Unpowered Commander Vintage Cube0 followers
Designed by psychobeef

I love drafting and also love commander, and found that with every cube I drafted on Cube Cobra, I could never hit the combination of cards I have in my EDH decks, so I put together my own version, pulling from so many of the lists out there.

If you draft it and find something missing, let me know please. I will take a look and if it makes sense, I'll toss it in. This cube is for online play online, and may someday become a thing if I can convince a few friends to trade me the cards I do not have.

It is also evolving fairly quickly to include elves, goblins, wizards, rogues, and humans; discard, sacrifice, tokens, counters, ramp, burn, artifact, enchantment, control, and death & taxes. I'm sure I'm missing some archetypes too.

The next thing I need to learn is how to build custom drafts. If you want to share some of your own, I'd be happy to include them.

I'm having fun, are you?

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