Dime Cube
(450 Card Cube)
Dime Cube
Cube ID
Art by Mark TedinArt by Mark Tedin
450 Card Budget Cube2 followers
Designed by Para7135
Mana Pool$68.56

Every card cost $0.10 USD during the Update season.
The cube updates annually in December.

WU-Artifacts Matters
UB-Discard matters(Cycling/Madness)
BR-Madness Aggro
RG-4 mana Aggro
WB-Graveyard Control/Reanimator
UR-Spells Matter
BG-Graveyard Midrange
RW-All in Aggro
GU-Lands Ramp

Para7135 posted to Dime Cube -

I have am unsure if there are enough cards for some archetypes to still function. I will do some tests and try to find suitable replacements

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