brotendo's Innistrad Remastered
(260 Card Cube)
brotendo's Innistrad Remastered
Cube ID
Art by Kev WalkerArt by Kev Walker
260 Card Set Cube4 followers
Designed by brotendo
Mana Pool$128.13

Innistrad Remastered

Innistrad Remastered (ISDR) is a draftable set designed to give an authentic and spooky Innistrad (ISD) experience. ISDR features incredible themes and gameplay from the original triple-ISD draft format while taking advantage of synergistic cards from later Innistrad sets (DKA, AVR, SOI, EMN, MID, and VOW.)

The set aims to support the original Innistrad themes and deck archetypes by retaining the deck staples while adding plenty of new toys to give the original decks some added depth, options, and weaponry. ISDR also aims to rebalance the power of colors and archetypes and hopes to make all supported decks viable.

ISDR has a similar amount of cards to ISD (ISD has 264, incl. basic lands.) ISDR achieves this by removing un-interactable cards (Invisible Stalker and Angelic Overseer), cards that didn't have a home in any of the original deck archetypes, and cards that were consistently last-picked. ISDR intentionally omits additional: legendary cards, non-rare multicolor/gold cards, or cards featuring mechanics unused in ISD (such as Undying, Fateful Hour, Investigate, Delirium, Emerge, Daybound/Nightbound, Disturb, Coven, Blood Tokens, Madness, Scry, etc.)

Deck Archetypes:

gub Spider Spawning
ur Spells / Burning Vengeance
gw Humans / Travel Preparations
br Vampires
gr Werewolves
ub Zombies
wu Spirits
ug Self-mill
bg Morbid
rw Aggro
wb Sacrifice


When drafting, the ideal pack structure is:

  • 1 rare (12.5% chance of mythic)
  • 3 uncommon
  • 9 commons
  • 1 dual-faced card (DFC)

In order for the rarity distribution of DFCs to be aligned with the original Innistrad set, use the following ratios 1/2/6/11 (M/R/U/C) as documented in

Generating Packs and Drafting Online

Generate packs using:

Draft generated using:

  • Use Pre-Determined Boosters (select)
  • Copy/paste the generated packs output file, click "Upload"
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