(813 Card Cube)
Cube ID
Art by James RymanArt by James Ryman
813 Card Cube1 follower
Designed by Tuomoth
Mana Pool$632.10

Every creature card in the Activation Cube either has an activated ability or synergizes with them (such as, Kurkesh, Onakke Ancient).
The creatures are complemented by janky artifacts, such as charge counter generators, while the spell sector is filled with charms. Together these cards create complicated boardstates with a hodgepodge of options.

For balance, the strongest creatures with activated abilities have been omitted from the cube. Hence, there are no Walking ballista or Yawgmoth, Thran Physician. For speedier drafts and less reading, dual-faced cards have been omitted.

As creatures have activated abilities, the average statline of creatures is quite poor. While many abilities synergize with each other, infinite combos are rare (although, especially Necrotic ooze, Kiki-jiki, Mirror Breaker and Crackdown Construct are capable of going infinite).

Many of the color pairs do not have an archetype. Rather the cube consists of synergistic clusters of cards (such as charge counters, artifacts, +1/+1 counters, sacrifice etc.) spread over colors.

Major synergy clusters:
  • +1/+1 counters: In all colours but especially in green and not so much in red. Some cards remove counters as a cost and some place them.
  • Sacrifice creatures: Especially in black. Supported by token creation (especially in green and white)
  • Sacrifice artifacts: Supported by red and secondary in black. Supported by cheap artifacts and food/treasure generation
  • Tokens: Especially heavy in GW, supports sacrifice themes
  • Artifacts: Mostly supported by UR
  • Graveyard: Mostly supported by black, secondary in green
  • Mono black: Black has heavy black activation costs for example in shades. This is also supported by some swamps matter removal.
  • Charms: A lot of the removal is in charms. A 5-color charm control is viable archetype
  • Good stats: Especially green creatures have sometimes a good statline
Smaller synergy clusters:
  • Charge counters: In artifacts, supported by proliferate and artifact synergies (especially in URb)
  • Life gain: Mostly supported by BW
  • Zombies: Mostly supported by black
  • Goblins: Supported by red
  • Elves: Supported by green
  • Pingers: Supported by red
  • Planeswalkers: All planeswalkers are in white
  • Combat hell: Especially white has many combat affecting abilities (such as, Master Apothecary)
  • Deserts: In all colors and supported by green
  • Equipments: Supported by white
  • Discard: Some abilities discard cards as a cost. To support these there are some madness cards and (mostly black) cards which come back from the grave.

Updates to-do:
Change 3 mana stones to 5color versions

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