There's a draftable deck for each color pair. Each deck is built around a typal synergy. Some builds are more dependent on that synergy than others. There's also a few "party" cards since we have the full 4 party types in the cube.
The lands haven't had much thought put into them atm--just all the fetch, shocks, and tri-s. Might cut the tri-s for things that are more synergistic? Idk. It's also very creature heavy, which I think is necessary given the theme--could be a problem. The spell dependent decks like wizards, rogues, and some builds of shaman could have a bad time if three or even two people get into the same archetype.
Rogues (UB): control/temp
Wizards (R/U): aggro/burn
Merfolk (G/B): midrange/landstuff and +1/+1s
Elves (GB): aggro/midrange-removal
Clerics (WB): life-gain combo/sac combo
Warriors (RW): Enchant/Equipment voltron
Humans (GW): aggro/midrange +1/+1s
Shaman (GR): Ramp/trigger doubling
Goblins (RB): aggro/sac
Spirits (UW): temp/aggro
Also! I think it only works atm if assassins and berserkers are rogues and I add "or rogues you control" to like two black elf cards. That was a wonky overlap that was hard to fill.
Made changes to focus the warrior/equipment/aura archetype.
Some changes also focus shamans.