Silver Land Cube
(516 Card Cube)
Silver Land Cube
Cube ID
Art by Phil FoglioArt by Phil Foglio
516 Card Silver-bordered Unpowered Vintage Cube5 followers
Designed by MrRazorFox
Mana Pool$1603.27

It was around 1998 when I originally started to play Magic the Gathering, my mother got me an Urza's Saga starter deck as gift
that year. I'll never forget how much I fell in love with the individual art, flavor, and design of each color and card. I was
hooked, later that year my local mall opened a Wizards of the Coast store. I'd go there after school or on weekends to play magic
with my friends, we really didn't know how to play but the design, fantasy, and story behind each card had us coming back day
after day. That feeling and experience is what I wanted to simulate with my cube, yeah not every game you are going to win but I
promise you will have fun.
Each pack comes with 15 cards plus 1 contraptionSpike, Tournament Grinder: a binder 25 banned cards will be available
Nightmare Moon: a binder with 6 moon art cards will be availableB.F.M: is one card while drafting but is two cards in your
deckSummon the Pack: this pack (15cards) will be made from the cube but without a contraptionBooster Tutor: sealed packs
will be available and can be any pack ever printedThopter Pie Network: snacks will be out at all times during the draftGrimlock,
Dinobot Leader: comes with an official Grimlock transformer toyNerf War: comes with a small Nerf gunChoas Confetti & Blacker
Lotus: are one time effects in the draft

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