Three Color Classic
(335 Card Cube)
Three Color Classic
Cube ID
Art by Mark TedinArt by Mark Tedin
335 Card Legacy Cube0 followers
Designed by CuttleLich
Mana Pool$4709.70

(work in progress)

Moderate budget, classic themes, trying to keep it a very meat-and-potatoes basic experience.

I made this with a few ground rules, since I think cubes are more interesting for what they exclude than what they include.

  1. No legends. I'm primarily an EDH player, so I want to explore more gameplay without legendaries.
  2. No Universes Beyond. No hate to crossovers, but this cube is designed to celebrate the mechanics, worlds, and vibe of baseline Magic: The Gathering.
  3. No duplicates. I like a lot of different cards and I wanna play em all, dang it!
  4. No searching. I'll be honest, I just hate shuffling.
  5. Limited complexity. Stickers, attractions, contraptions, dungeons, wishboards, and DFCs don't have a place here. We're trying to keep it to tokens, counters, and markers.

Draft Archetypes

wub Esper Artifact Lifedrain wub

Churn through lots of little artifacts while manufacturing life total swings.

ubr Grixis Haymaker Control ubr

Lock down the game until you're ready wrap it up with massive game-ending spells.

brg Jund Aristocrats Midrange brg

Kill creatures for value and eliminate your opponents with a thousand little cuts.

rgw Naya Modified Stompy rgw

Suit up your creatures with powerful counters, auras, and equipments.

gwu Bant Draw Value gwu

Use landfall, enchantress, and straight-up draw to rush directly to your top end.

wbg Abzan Lifegain Reanimator wbg

Build up some life and cash it in to resurrect creatures with sweet effects.

urw Jeskai Prowess Go-Wide urw

Fill the board with creatures that buff up from casting noncreatures.

bgu Sultai Delirium Midrange bgu

Fill your bin with different types and values to ensure you've always got options.

rwb Mardu Bully Aggro rwb

Rule the red zone with brutal combat control and devastating life manipulation.

gur Temur Cascade Storm gur

Ramp, draw, and spin your wheels as you build up to that one big turn.

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