This Cube features cats*, cats**, cats***, cats****, and cats*****.
RL Drafts:
18 cards per pack (18=2x9)(1+8=9)
-> 54 cards per player (54=6x9)(5+4=9)
Shuffle all the non-monowhite-non-monogreen cards.
Evenly distribute them into the packs.
Now there are X cards missing.
Shuffle X/2 white and X/2 green random cards together.
Fill the packs with the shuffled white and green cards.
*according to the creature type (e.g. really!?)
**according to the artwork (e.g. Quicksilver Amulet)
***according to flavour(text) (e.g. Ancient Den & Quicksilver Amulet)
****according to name (e.g. Kentaro & Carth)
*****according to pun potential (e.g. Catacomb)