Innistrad Block Cube (3-2-1 + dfcs)
(450 Card Cube)
Innistrad Block Cube (3-2-1 + dfcs)
Art by Bud CookArt by Bud Cook
450 Card Budget Set Cube0 followers
Designed by beatsandskies
Mana Pool$86.07

Cloned from Innistrad Block

This cube is meant to replicate the feel of drafting original Innistrad, with its tribal archetypes (Human, Spirit, Zombie, Vampire, Werewolf) as well as famous build-arounds (Spider Spawning self-mill, Burning Vengeance). It includes cards from Dark Ascension and Avacyn Restored, which in particular enables a variety of human sacrifice decks in white, black, and red.

Please playtest and save your resulting decks!

Structural information:
Three of Each Normal Common (258 total)

  • 15 commons of each color (=225)
  • 2 extra common in W/U/B (=18)
  • 5 colorless commons (=15)

Two of Each Normal Uncommon (132 total)

  • 10 uncommons per color (=100)
  • 2 extra uncommon in W/U/B (=12)
  • 4 tribal multicolor uncommons (=8)
  • 6 colorless uncommons (=12)

One of Each Rare (30 total)

  • 5 rares of each color (=25)
  • 1 extra rares in W/U/B (=3)
  • 2 colorless rares

Flip cards (30 total)

  • 3 of each Flip Common - 2 Red/Green (=12)
  • 2 of each Flip Uncommon - 1 White/Blue/Black, 2 Red/Green (=14)
  • 1 of each Flip Rare - 2 Red/Green (=4)

Thanks for looking!