The Red Micro Cube
(180 Card Cube)
The Red Micro Cube
Cube ID
Art by Christopher RushArt by Christopher Rush
180 Card Cube0 followers
Designed by TurnOneForrest
Mana Pool$349.39

Embrace your inner red mage in this 180 card micro-cube! Designed to be drafted by two players, the cube offers four archetypes with some cross pollination between themes.

-RW modular
-RU cycling
-RB artifacts
-RG lands

Possible tweaks
-RW modular too parasitic? new Arcbound cards could fix this
-RB artifacts might need more support/payoffs
-Does RG lands need more ramp?
-Flesh out goblins or cut them altogether
-Does the cube need combat tricks?
-Are fetches too strong?

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