Zendikar Block Cube
(540 Card Cube)
Zendikar Block Cube
Art by Daniel LjunggrenArt by Daniel Ljunggren
540 Card Cube0 followers
Designed by LucasAfonso96
Mana Pool$619.08

Cloned from Zendikar: Cube of the Forsaken Gods

Six color good stuff cube of Zendikar.

Wastes are available as basic lands.

Synergies and Strategies

wu Awaken Spellslinging
ub Rogue + Eldrazi control
br Warrior + Eldrazi Aggro
rg Landfall and Elementals
gw Tokens + Pump
wb Ally + Cleric Lifegain
ur Wizard Spellslinging
bg Scion + Spawn Sacrifice
rw Ally Aggro
gu Kicker Control
w Kor token swarm
u šŸ¦€ Mill šŸ¦€
b Vampire Aggro
g Elfdrazi Ramp