Cute Cube A.K.A The Return to Bloomburrow Waiting Room
(360 Card Cube)
Cute Cube A.K.A The Return to Bloomburrow Waiting Room
Art by Denman RookeArt by Denman Rooke
360 Card Cube19 followers
Designed by Hugapug24
Mana Pool$471.98

Over the holidays of 2023, I opened various packs from different sets with my sisters. They know very little of the game but sincerely enjoyed looking at the art and learning the flavorful mechanics of certain cards. There were standouts that we kept coming back to like Spirited Companion and Poison Dart Frog, as well as full art foil Kamigawa lands. I pulled up a few other cards on my phone like Mischievous Catgeist and Rin and Seri, Inseparable which were met with equal praise. Discussing Magic with my wife tends to follow a similar track which inspired the creation of this cube.

It's called the Cute Cube, but it has more of the spirit of a Cute/Aesthetic cube. My wife loves Jurassic Park and she and my sisters are into traditional fantasy novels which brought about Knights and Dinos as kindred types. As you may suspect, the color balance and power level of the cube hold a lower priority than the spirit and flavor of the cards themselves. Kindred members in different colors are wanted to show the flexibility of the color pie.

Finally, this is meant to be drafted for new players so more complex mechanics or one-off mechanics that are distinct from standard play patterns will most likely be left out.(i.e. morph, mutate) We've found success with multiplayer so that people don't feel overwhelmed by the rules. Additionally, I will have color-fixing lands (gain lands and a fabled passage) available for everyone to make the drafting and deckbuilding process easier for them.

wu = Birds

ub = Faeries

br = Rodents (Rats/Mice)

rg = Dinosaurs

wg = Cats

wb = Knights/Soldiers

ur = Spirits/Elementals/Otters

bg = Squirrels

wr = Canines (Dogs/Foxes/Wolves)

ug = Tokens

Errata: Canines share a Kindred Type. Phoenixes and Spirits are elementals. Soldiers are Knights. Mice and rats share a kindred type. Helmets and other headgear are hats.

Stipulations: Almost all animals are cute, even fierce ones. Nontraditionally cute animals are still cute when teamed up with a Knight (i.e. Zombie Horse). My wife doesn't like anthropomorphic animals like Leonin so most aren't included, but several cards have alternate printings that are normal animals. (i.e. Lord Windgrace)

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