D&D Battlebox
(120 Card Cube)
D&D Battlebox
Cube ID
Art by Andrey KuzinskiyArt by Andrey Kuzinskiy
120 Card Battle Box Unpowered Set Cube26 followers
Designed by Bibibye
Mana Pool$87.10

This is a 100 cards 2-4 players battlebox set in the Forgotten Realms !

The emphasis is put on :

  • As much iconic D&D references as possible

  • Dungeon exploration and fun mechanics

  • Only AFR cards


Before the game starts, put aside all of the class cards, starting equipment cards and fighter's equipment cards.

  • Each player starts with 10 basic lands (2 Forest, 2 Island, 2 Mountain, 2 Plains, 2 Swamp) in his/her command zone. Each player can play 1 land from his/her command zone each turn.

  • Each player draws from the same library (the 100 cards from the battlebox).

  • Each player has his/her own graveyard.

  • Each player starts the game with a 4-cards hand.

  • Each player starts the game with one of the 12 class cards and one of the 4 starting equipment cards in their command zone. Each of those cards can be cast once from the command zone during the game.

  • If the Fighter Class card resolves, the player who cast it chooses an equipment in the Fighter's Equipment list instead of searching the library.

Additional Package

The content of the D&D Movie Secret Lair can be added to the cube, although Doric's ramping ability doesn't work with the battlebox (because ramping is really powerful, you can just ignore the ability).

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