The Postmodern cube was inspired after the end of the "golden age" of modern in 2015-2016 and has evolved since then to an exciting combination of heavily synergistic cards. It is a bit of a play on the philosophical notion of post-modernism which embraces relativism vs. absolutism, as the cards in it are very focused in relation to one another and the cube itself, rather than a pure "value cube" where cards are just chosen based on independent value.
Pseudo-intellectualism aside, Postmodern cube is an exciting combination artifact and enchantment synergies, excellent fixing and cross synergies that lead to dynamic 2-5 color decks that tend to be focused thematically. Cards can fit more or less into some of the different theme, requiring thoughtful deck building by players and clarity about their lane/strategy. The cube is heavily syngergistic, leading to intriguing deck building and unique card valuation.
The goal with this cube is to provide an exciting environment where a player is rewarded for exploiting synergies during the drafting process and using creativity and imagination during deck construction. Often players will have a few viable builds during deck construction and selecting the strongest one is a rewarding puzzle. This (hopefully) leads to a draft that isn't just about snapping up high power level cards and provides an interesting twist on card choice.
Artifacts matter a lot in this cubes and treasures are extremely abundant, as well as clues and food.
Cards like Mirkwood Bats and Marionette Apprentice reward sacrifices, and Teething Wurmlet or Jaheira, friend of the forest provide a ton of value.
Enchantments also matter and the cube is rife with enchantment creatures, as well as a huge aura theme. Cards such as Tatsunari, Toad Rider, Sanctum Weaver and Sythis, Harvest Hand among others provide a nice payoff.
Auras/equipment: This theme connects the artifact and enchantment themes. Many cards work with both, such as Valduk, Keeper of the Flame, Reyav, Master Smith, Golden-tail Trainer, Nettlecyst, Ian the Reckless, and Sram, Senior Edificer. Some auras cross-pollinate the artifact/enchantment themes such as All That Glitters and Sticky Fingers.
Tokens: Tokens are very prevalent in this cube, and provide the engine for many strategies. Treasure tokens provide fixing, and cards like Academy Manufacturer and Peregrine Took can supercharge a deck with token generation. Cards like Noble's Purse provide a ton of permanents in a single card.
Life gain/Life loss: Lifegain payoffs are a major theme in the cube such as Resplendent Angel, Vito, Thorn of Dusk Rose, Sorin of House Markov and Karlov of the Ghost Council.
Alongside this, ways to use your life as a resource are strongly represented such as Black Market Connections, Bitterblossom, and Molten Steel Dragon. This theme is supported by the prevalence of lifelink and incidental lifegain in the cube, such as food tokens. Gumdrop poisoner is a great example of a lifegain payoff that crosses over with food tokens.
Blink: There are a number of enter-the-battlefield effects and a few ways to exploit them such as Teleportation Circle. Blinking token generators can lead to powerful board states.
This cube can be a little more complex than a typical cube, and while their is a lot going on, it tends to be a lot of fun and really stretches the mind and imagination of the players.