Theros theme cube
I haven't entered all the cards yet but this cube is set on the plane of theros and I made it because pack wars with theros beyond death was super fun. This cube is primarly made up of cards from theros beyond death as well as born of the gods, but it contains cards from all four theros sets, the general of a commander, and a common from dominaria(as well as afr now) that fit the theme and was perfect for this enviornment. there are 3 copies of any givin common, 2 of any given uncommon, and there is only one of any given rare/mythic. Lastly the scry dual lands are not in this cube because even though it is made for draft I do still do pack wars with it, and opening a scry land as your rare in pack wars always sucked so Im a bit spiteful XD
note to self, add lightning strike remove nylea's hunt master, add kalemne, and add a card to izzet