Dolono's Reborn EDH Cube 2024
(575 Card Cube)
Dolono's Reborn EDH Cube 2024
Art by Thomas M. BaxaArt by Thomas M. Baxa
575 Card Cube3 followers
Designed by Dolono
Mana Pool$7171.52

Thanks for looking! This is the rebuilt version of my long-standing EDH cube!

Basic information:

  • 500 cards in the main cube
  • 60-75 commanders in a curated pile, seeded in packs before drafting.
  • The cube is large enough for 8 people to draft 3 packs of 20 cards + use a bonus Lore Seeker pack.
  • Two cards are drafted each pass of a pack, similar to commander legends drafts.
  • The final deck should be 60 cards + 1 general in the command zone (59 + 2 if partners are drafted).
  • Commander color identity restrictions are in effect when building the final deck.

Design principles undergirding the cube:

  • Broad, proactive strategies and archetypes.
  • Broadly useful commanders; not-narrowly focused.
  • Powerful, "good stuff" main cube cards.
  • The cube uses some draft-matters/conspiracy cards to spice up the drafting and deck building processes.

In game:

  • Drastic steps have been taken to reduce momentum-killing deck search effects: only 1 tutor card per color, no fetch lands, no searching land ramp (i.e. rampant growth, cultivate, etc), very few shuffle effects.
  • Few to no 2-card combos.
  • Reduced fast mana.
  • Minimized/eliminated momentum-killing tax effects (i.e. tedious "do you pay the 1?" effects).
  • Reduced stax.
  • Aims to reduce life and +1 counter tracking burdens (i.e. constantly tracking chip damage from talismans; headache-inducing cards like cathars' crusade).
  • I've tried to eliminate as many groan-inducing cards as possible (i.e. cyclonic rift, underworld breach, karn liberated, thoracle, etc).
  • I'm always striving to keep a lid on format complexity-creep!
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