Nobaelazum's Modern Limited Synergy Cube
(430 Card Cube)
Nobaelazum's Modern Limited Synergy Cube
Cube ID
Art by Jehan ChooArt by Jehan Choo
430 Card Cube1 follower
Designed by nobaelazum
Mana Pool$546.28

The best of modern limited!

This was initially a Double Feature (Midnight Hunt + Crimson Vow) inspired cube, but I have revamped it as a medium powered synergy cube representing the last few years (2021-2023) of Magic. If you play a lot of limited Magic like me, you will easily recognize most of these cards!

The goals are quick gameplay that starts on turn one that rewards synergy and smart deckbuilding. Drafting should present constant challenges of picking between multiple good choices. Graveyard is also a theme across the entire cube.

I really was a fan of the themes in Double Feature, especially the graveyard themes, but not all the color pairs came together. There were a few things that bothered me:

  • There were too many bombs that can win the game on casting. I strive for an even power level across the cube.

  • Dimir was too strong. Blue in particular just wanted to be black's buddy, while also paring nicely with white. Blue had synergies with red, but Izzet spells would not reliably come together. Simic just felt weak, despite having some synergy.

  • Green in general was too weak, lacking both early and late game creatures that can end the game.

  • Gruul was extremely weak, despite Werewolfs being badass.

  • I wanted more graveyard synergies across all colors.

With this in mind, I wanted to make the following changes:

Color Strategy

Signposts are a good indication of what the color combination is trying to do.


Go wide, tempo, and spirits.


Control and graveyard payoffs.


Hasty aggro and burn.


Vampire aggro and aristocrats.


Werewolves beatdown.


Go wide and pump.


Go wide and aristocrats.


Spells and tempo.


Graveyard payoffs and recursion.


Flashback and graveyard payoffs.

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