This is my cube!
The basic idea was that I started playing around Innistrad block, and I have a ton of fondness for the era of the old core sets. So, I set out to build a cube to evoke the mom & pop, kitchen table Magic feeling of that era.
This cube pulls from sets between Tenth Edition and Magic Origins.
There aren't necessarily set archetypes for each color pair, however each color has a couple of distinct themes which will play off of each other differently depending on their combination, and the multicolored cards are splashy and provide unique things to do.
White has an Aura/Enchantment subtheme as well as several cards that synergize with life-gain. Typically for white as well, you'll often be going wide with a board of smaller creatures.
Blue cares about flying creatures as well as having lots of card draw. A couple of cards also care about artifacts.
Black focuses on a sacrifice/aristocrats strategy as well as having several big reanimator targets. You might also find synergy in attacking your opponent's hand.
Red goes fast and hits hard. Dragons and Goblins both have some tribal synergy, and theres plenty of burn spells to go around, as well as cards that want you to cast them.
Green goes big and beats down. You'll find lots of things that care about counters and effects when you play your creatures.
Lore Seeker Packs: