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$1 cube redux
(365 Card Cube)
$1 cube redux
Cube ID
Art by Mark TedinArt by Mark Tedin
365 Card Cube1 follower
Designed by ruderavioli
Mana Pool$263.14

This is a peasant cube (common and uncommon only) with the further restriction that all cards need to cost less than $1 at the time of purchase (and be in good condition). Fixing is limited in lands (10 tri-lands) but non-land fixing is built in to a lot of other cards (treasure tokens, land fetching, landcycling, etc.).

The archetypes are pretty loose and lots of different synergies and small combos are possible.

Some of the bigger archetypes include:

-Blue/White bounce/flicker bois

-Red goblin aggro (+ pirates!)

-Black/Red sac aggro

-Blue/Red spells matter

-Green/X ramp

-5 color hondens

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