Double Masters, Expanded

Cube ID
Art by Victor Adame MinguezArt by Victor Adame Minguez

360 Card Cube

Designed by bradleyroseRSSQR Code

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This cube uses every Double Masters card and extends its card pool with an expansion pack to make 360 cards.

Expansion Pack - 28 Added Cards:

  • 8 Commons
  • 8 Uncommons
  • 11 Rares- 1 Mythic

White: Sensor Splicer; Auriok Survivors; Teferi's Protection
Blue: Depths of Desire; Efficient Construction; Spell Swindle
Black: Fortuitous Find; Goremand; Taste of Death
Red: Hijack; Hoarding Dragon; Moltensteel Dragon
Green: Tinder Wall; Walker of the Grove; Roaring Slagwurm
Multicolor: Nazahn, Revered Bladesmith; Sek'Kuar, Deathkeeper; Ghired, Conclave Exile
Artifacts: Gingerbrute; Golem Foundry; Hedron Blade; Mask of Memory; Meteor Golem; Retributive Wand; Helm of Kaldra; Shield of
Kaldra; Sword of Kaldra; Darksteel Reactor