Beginner's Battlebox
(100 Card Cube)
Beginner's Battlebox
Cube ID
Art by Chris RahnArt by Chris Rahn
100 Card Battle Box Vintage Cube48 followers
Designed by michaeldkarp
Mana Pool$17.62

This is a 100-card battlebox that was recently changed from being focused on combat to being focused on simplicity. This is mainly for me to play with my parents so the more straightforward the cards the better. This results in my prioritizing cards like Murder and Cancel over Vicious Offering and Admiral's Order.


Players share the 100-card library which is placed in the middle of the table.
Players also share a graveyard which will be right next to the library (This was mostly to reduce the number of card piles on the table and to promote the theme of a singular game).
Players' opening hand size is reduced to 4 (This is due to the fact that there are no lands in the library and that lands can be played for free from the "command zone").
Each player will have 10 lands in their command zone (one of each basic land and 5 Gain-lands).
Lands can be played once per turn from the command zone.
Starting life is 10 but there are the five dual lands that give 1 life each (to promote quicker games).


No counters, tokens, or any other extra game pieces (This is to emphasize the simplicity and transportability of the battlebox).
No land destruction.
Focus on keeping the mana curve low (average mana value around 3).
Minimal lifegain (this is to keep the games quick).

Mainboard Changelist+0, -0
Alan Pollack
jamescccpentc -

Thanks a lot. I really have fun with my wife because of your work. It's simple and enjoyable; we can pick it up and play anytime. It includes the core joy of playing MTG.

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