This cube is attempting to have its cake and eat it to.
For inexperienced drafters, I want mostly simpler cards and very clear color pair archetypes, such that they can draft "on-rails" by focusing on a keyword/phrase, taking all those cards, and end up with a playable deck ("keywords" such as: flying, zombie, gain life, enchantment, sacrifice, instant/sorcery/noncreature, token, trample, +1/+1 counter, artifact). But I also want room for veterans to "draft the hard way" and explore the much less obvious decks & interactions that are potentially more powerful but harder to draft: examples include Astral Drift/Escape Protocol engines; grinding out a Kindlespark Duo win with Scrap Trawler recursion; copying Back for More with Kalamax, the Stormsire (I've made that deck twice; it's awesome) or assemble one of the several convoluted infinite combos awaiting discovery.
This is summed up in the following 4 objectives:
A deeper dive into each rule is found below the adjustments & archetypes.
Current Archetypes AvailableThe classics (and handholds for new players)
UW - Fliers
WB - Lifegain
BG - Spider Spawning / Reanimator
GR - Beef & Trample
RU - Spells
UB - Zombies
BR - Sacrifice Tokens
RW - Token Swarm
WG - Enchantments
GU - Draw triggers (& +1/+1 counters)
Esper (UWB) - Artifacts
Abzan (WBG) - Control
Jund (BGR) - Death/Sacrifice
Temur (GRU) - Value (and/or Kalamax)
Jeskai (RUW) - Go-wide spells (Also 6 of the 7 "whenever you cycle" payoffs are in these colors)
Other decks I've seen built in person:
RW Scrap Trawler/Traxos Aggro/Sac
Jeskai Cycling
Sultai-red Cycling/Lazotep Chancellor//Reanimator
UGbr Back for More/Kalamax, the Stormsire
Gw Artifacts
Naya Control
There's also a handful of convoluted (3-6 card) infinite combos (in W and/or U, and RG) that have yet to be assembled. There's a couple that require so many pieces that I doubt they'll ever happen, but dreaming of them is still fun.
Strategies I'm considering bolstering if possible and without confusing players (strategies that are different than the normal color overlaps):
Bant (GWU) - Blink (relies heavily on Slide & Escape; conflicts with GW enchantments)
Sultai (GUB) - Self-Mill (Arguably a strong UB/BG overlap)
Grixis (UBR) - Discard (also a cycling variant)
Mardu (BRW) - Historic/Legendary (Not enough elegant support here; may never be).
Naya (RWG) - Alliance (great overlap with tokens; GR; and blink. Still conflicts with GW enchantments). Could do Equipment? (It's good with both tokens and with trample; and avoids Enchantment conflict)
#1 (N00bs) - This objective drives a lot of key decisions, like:
#2 (Veterans) - I'm predisposed to up the complexity, so this one's not really a problem. Beyond the normal color pairs, there's tons of build-arounds, cycling strategies, 5-color, etc. It's the other objectives that keep this one in check. I've definitely been upping the word count and rares recently, so I really need to be cautious here (see "text wall" and "complicated" tags).
#3 (Johnny) - I want to maximize two feelings:
#4 (Astral Slide/Astral Drift) - This (and #3 & #1 to lesser degrees) is the one that dictates power level. It's easy to find classic Slide buddies like Eternal Witness; it's harder to find enough cycling cards to enable it (although it's been better since it became Deciduous). Cycling is so good in any deck that you need enough in the cube to make sure Slide gets a critical mass, but there aren't enough at the higher power level to make them all feel at home anywhere except in Slide. So, the cube is built such that as many of the cycling cards as possible are good in decks that aren't specifically built around cycling; Furnace Host Charger and Quakefoot Cyclops should not be embarrassing to play in an average RG or RB deck, even if they're below the curve when cast. There's also plenty of other cycling payoffs (both explicit and subtle) that offer competition between players, and are spread out enough among colors that it's hard to build manabases that support several of them: UG draw triggers, Black reanimation; the enchantments in W, U, R. To keep slow cycling decks in check, aggressive decks (WR, WG, and UR in particular) can also be very fast, fixing is slow (landcycling into ETB tapped lands), and enough trample, incidental enchantment removal, and aristocrat-style effects to get past annoying strategies like chumping then blinking with Escape Protocol. This Slide/cycling restriction also contributes to the 360 card limit.
Goodbye hexproof: I already got rid of Plating, and now Veil is going as well. Although it's ostensibly important to protect big creatures, it's also a lot more fun to create a back and forth (and is frustrating when someone counters your big removal spell). White still has Valorous Stance, so it's not completely without protection.
The Enchantments deck is really fun when it's drawing tons of cards, so I relented and added another Enchantress (despite a new 1-of ability word). I risk adding too many parasitic cards only good in WG, but it's a deck that a couple people players really enjoy so I'm not super worried. Eidolon might also be OK in GU or something as well.
Still waiting on Tarkir previews to see if anything there fits.