360 Card Unpowered Nostalgia Cube
Card pool: any cards printed in 1993 and 1994 (including promos).
Design philosophy: this cube is intended to allow players to experience the feeling of playing Magic during its earliest years, while addressing certain limitations inherent to the card pool and singleton format. In particular, the cube strives to balance the viability of aggro/combo/control play-styles and limit stalled board states. The cube does not include gold/multi-colour cards due to the lack of mana fixing options at singleton and to keep colour combinations as open as possible. Some colour hate is included, but kept to an appropriate minimum.
Keyword abilities: bands/bands with other; first strike; flying, landwalk; protection from [colour]; rampage [x]; regenerate; and, trample.
Rules set: the cube is designed to be playable using either the current comprehensive rules or the Old School rules of the players’ preference.
Important notes/often overlooked information: players unfamiliar with the card pool and/or only familiar with modern rules may wish to take note of the following:
• the interrupt card type can be considered equivalent to the instant card type when playing with modern rules;
• mono artifacts must be tapped as part of their activation cost;
• ‘buried’ means ‘destroyed and can’t be regenerated’;
• Brine Hag’s counters remain in play;
• Blessing's activated ability can only target the creature it enchants;
• Rocket Launcher may be activated multiple times in the same turn; and,
• creatures with the ‘Wall’ creature type have the Defender keyword ability when playing with modern rules.
With sincere appreciation to @adifed