Winston 120 Cube, 2 player (no power)
(120 Card Cube)
Winston 120 Cube, 2 player (no power)
Cube ID
Art by Mark TedinArt by Mark Tedin
120 Card Cube7 followers
Designed by vledik
Mana Pool$56.42

2 player winston draft cube.

=> Draft all 120 cards if you consider playing this list in the winston draft (WD) format.

=> Why 120 instead of the usual 90? While a WD usually is played with 6 boosters (90 cards), you almost always need to play 3 colors just to have a decent amount of 'playable creatures'. 120 cards gives us a little bit more room to make mechanics work better and you can easly play only 2 colors in your deck. Someone even went mono-colored so just have some fun!

Colorpairings and their typical deck focus:

wu Azorius: Artifacts

Other cards are: Arcbound Prototype, Mandible Justiciar, Knighted Myr, Master Trinketeer, Servo Exhibition, Transplant Theorist, Saiba Trespassers, Sharding Sphinx, Gold-Forged Sentinel & Cultivator's Caravan.

ub Dimir: Mill

Other cards are: Merfolk Mesmerist, Belltower Sphinx, Glacial Grasp, Disturbing Conversion, Reito Sentinel, Koma's Faithful, Syr Konrad, the Grim & Mind Drain.

br Rakdos: lifedrain

rg Gruul: Landfall

wg Selesnya: Enchantment

wb Orzhov: Lifedrain/gain

ur Izzet: Prowess

bg Golgari: Graveyard

wr Boros: Aggro

ug Simic: +1/+1 Counters

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