2 player winston draft cube.
=> Draft all 120 cards if you consider playing this list in the winston draft (WD) format.
=> Why 120 instead of the usual 90? While a WD usually is played with 6 boosters (90 cards), you almost always need to play 3 colors just to have a decent amount of 'playable creatures'. 120 cards gives us a little bit more room to make mechanics work better and you can easly play only 2 colors in your deck. Someone even went mono-colored so just have some fun!
Colorpairings and their typical deck focus: Azorius: Artifacts
Dimir: Mill
Rakdos: lifedrain
Gruul: Landfall
Selesnya: Enchantment
Orzhov: Lifedrain/gain
Izzet: Prowess
Golgari: Graveyard
Boros: Aggro
Simic: +1/+1 Counters