Blue-Collar Cube
(360 Card Cube)
Blue-Collar Cube
Cube ID
Art by Johannes VossArt by Johannes Voss
360 Card Budget Unpowered Cube2 followers
Designed by Schumi05
Mana Pool$292.78

The main goals for this cube are to encourage creature combat at an average of under $1/card, including sleeves and storage. This cube leans on two-color pairing to develop its archetypes, but natural 3-color decks do arise. Mana fixing is common, but not abundant, so fixing should be taken relatively highly.

The cube is skewed towards aggresive strategies, as wrandb all have aggro supported and g has efficiently costed creatures that can slot in to aggressive midrange strategies.

Main Archetypes

wu - Control

wu Control archetype represented here is less about hard control and more of a soft control into tempo. Many of the key pieces here are stil creatures that are trying to clog up the board in order to win with card advantage and going over the top with flyers.

wb - Lifedrain

wb Lifedrain is all about winning the war of attrition. Either stemming aggression with cheap creatures and using drain effects or creating a large creature to threaten your opponents at an above curve rate are the main tactics used here.

wr - Aggro

wr Aggro is all about low curves, cheap removal, cheap protection, and consistent, sustained threats. Look for some aggressively costed equipment to keep your creatures relevant for the last push of damage.

wg - Tokens

wg Tokens focuses not only on putting out a quantity of tokens, but also generates different sizes of tokens.

ub - Artifact
ur - Spells Matter
ug - Ramp
br - Sacrifice
bg - Graveyard
gr - Midrange

Secondary Archetypes/Build Around Archetypes:


Schumi05 posted to Blue-Collar Cube -

Add Delirium support?
Is GW strong enough?
BW lifegain payoffs or change BW theme?
Lower power of blue creatures/increase aggro support

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