White: Enchantress, White Weenie
Blue: Artifacts, control
Black: Reanimator, Zombies/sacrafice
Red: Aggro/golbins
Green: Enchantress, Tokens/go wide
The incentive to build this cube was to make something unique and didn't just feel like I was drafting every other cube and I would be able to play with some lesser known or niche cards. I wanted to keep some unity so I chose to make the cube all old frame so new cards printed in the old frame like in mh2 are allowed. Let me know what you think, I'm trying to improve it.
There's also a Kiki combo in this cube with Zealous Conscripts and the deck wants either black or blue as a secondary color. Green and White can go into a white weenie/go wide strategy instead of Enchantress. The archetypes are pretty loose and you can do a lot. Reanimator can be black and any other color although being in red may give the deck a more aggro approach. I hope I did made the tribal archetypes not too railroady.