This cube started as a Standard Peasant Cube. It was only ever a concept.
What I learned was that all the commons and uncommons in Standard comprise something like 850 cards (at the time). That's too much. That's also when Standard was small.
Since this cube was meant to be
I decided to make it a contemporary Uncommons Cube. It certainly still hits all those points.
The rules for the cube are:
I've also started keeping historical seasons based on an arbitrary (although in my opinion and based on my personal history with the game, a perfectly good) "starting" set for the seasons. Honestly, the more I think about it the more I'd recommend it too. Not enough value in the whole thing for anyone to take, and why break up a good set for the 1 played uncommon's worth of store credit? Just keep piling up those free cubes I say!
Current Construction:
OTJ (W/OTP) U-120 CL-12
BLB U-100 CL-2
DSK U-100 CL-11
DFT U-100 CL-12
Total: U-420 CL-37 Total: 457
Footnotes on Current Construction: Despite being released this year, standard legal, and a front page draft set, I've skipped Foundations. It's reprints (mostly), and its also HUGE. 200+ cards all told. We'll see if we run into other size issues as they add more set releases per year.