Legends verse dragons!!!
Cut the 2 color legends down to 5 in each color. Pick 2 archetypes to support each with 2 of the 5 commanders. The 5th commander could support one of those archetypes or it could support its own. If it supports its own then in that combination of colors there will be 8-10 cards that support it (Shelob is a perfect example of this type of commander).
This cube is designed to support 6 players in sealed or just played a portion of through drafting. We always draft 360 cards by drafting with phantom players in the missing seats. Depending on the number of phantoms each player gets to pick their card and then discard a card.
This cube can easily be played as a commander cube.
We play by shuffling all of the multicolor legends and putting 3 in every pack. There is no additional draft for commanders. You must draft a commander through your normal drafting.
Tribes represented:
Dragons - There are dragons in every color, however Red and Green have the most dragons. There are 47 dragons in the cube.
Humans - This is the largest tribe in the cube with 67 cards. White has the most with the other colors having about 2/3 as many as white.
White: Tokens!
Notable Cards: Horn of Gondor, Anduriel Flame of the West, Pianna, Flowering of the White Tree, Espeths Talent
Notable Cards: Light-paws, Danitha, Open the Armory, Maul of the Skyclaves, Forge Anew
White/Blue: More Tokens.
Notable Cards: Faramir, The Council of Four
Notable Cards: Oji, Displacer Kitten, Slip on the Ring
Green: Counters
Notable Cards: Hardened Scales, Servant of the Scales, Patchwork Automaton, Iron Apprentice
Green/White: Counters
Notable Cards: Aragorn, Clay Champion, Druid Class, Fight Rigging
Red: Spells
Notable Cards: Urabrask, Smoldering Egg, Invasion of Regatha, Monastery Swiftspear, Khenra Spellspear
Red/Blue: spells
Notable Cards: Gandalf, Goblin Electromancer, Saheeli Sublime Artificer, Balmor Battlemage Captain
Red/White: Equipment
Notable Cards: Merry Esquire of Rohan, Embercleave