Onslaught Block Balanced
(544 Card Cube)
Onslaught Block Balanced
Cube ID
Art by Terese NielsenArt by Terese Nielsen
544 Card Set Cube22 followers
Designed by Poisonmtg
Mana Pool$561.80
Onslaught Block: Balanced

Cube and guide Under construction! Feedback is appreciated

Limited Onslaught cube designed to be drafted up to 8 players or 1v1 in Grid draft, I've selected around 300 different cards from the onslaught block pool.

Cube Features

  • 560 Cards, 55 different cards from each color + 25 Colorless cards.
  • Rarity ratio of 2x Common / 2x Uncommon / 1x Rare. However, a few cards have had their rarity shifted.
  • Most of the oppressive cards have been removed in order to get a more enjoyable and fair playing experience, rewarding the synergies over card rarity.

Draft Guide:

Onslaught is a heavily tribe oriented block overall and feature some of my favorite mechanics: Cycling and Morph

Most of the times you'll build a mono color deck with some splashy cards from another color or maybe a 2 color deck, this cycle of cards is a great way to fix your colors:

Tribe colors:

  • w Soldiers, Clerics, Birds
  • u Wizards, Illusions
  • b Zombies, Clerics
  • r Goblins, Beasts
  • g Elves, Beasts

Archetype overview:

ArchetypeColorDescriptionTop Cards
Aggro/Mid RangebMono Black: Low curve and heavily aggresive costed creatures, mostly zombies with some heavy downsides. Black has access to graveyard recursion like Reaping the Graves, Aphetto Dredging and premium removal cards in this format like Smother or swat
AggrorMono Red Wins: Goblin go wide support cards Goblin Sledder, Goblin Warchief removal/burn Shock Lightning Rift and situational finishers like Goblin War Strike
Mid RangegrBig Mana: Low curve dorks and big splashy timmy cards! Red provides excellent removal Shock, Carbonize and great beasts support Chartooth Cougar and situational finishers like Wave of Indifference
Mainboard Changelist+1, -0
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