Rocky Mountain Yeti Old School Combat Cube
180 Card Unpowered Budget Set Cube
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Welcome to the Rocky Mountain Yeti Combat Cube!
The spotlight of this cube is on combat and combat tricks. It is a 180 card, singleton build meant for use with smaller groups (2-4) when the main group can't make the cube session. Fallen Empires was a set designed to make combat more dynamic and three dimensional. This cube focuses on that theme. Over half of the cards (100) are creatures and the rest of the cards support combat tricks and board control. As a result, the speed of play is relatively slow to start, with the first couple of turns usually ending in land, go to build up a basic board state. Once the combat starts, the games can turn very fast. Given the card pool, removal and counter magic has to be used with high intention.
It is unpowered and the average deck runs two colors and can splash a third successfully if the right artifacts and lands are drafted. Dual lands and other ramping devices are purposely omitted to force drafters to build their decks with a high level of skill around specific themes. There is very little variance in this cube when drafting with four people, however, when grid drafting with a single opponent, there is a substantial difference in how the decks are built and how they come together.