Paper Penny Dreadful -- Tracker
(779 Card Cube)
Paper Penny Dreadful -- Tracker
Cube ID
Art by Mark TedinArt by Mark Tedin
779 Card Cube1 follower
Designed by peterredshoes
Mana Pool$116.64

This list tracks the status of cards that might be eligible for what I call Paper Penny Dreadful, a draft format inspired by the online Penny Dreadful commander format. The premise is simple: draft cards that have a market price of US 0.01.

For better or for worse, even cards this bad have price fluctuation, particularly from newer sets. So here, we accumulate a checklist containing a superset of cards that are valued at 0.01 -- the list contains those that have been 0.01 in the past as well as those presently valued as such. Cards that fluctuate between 0.01 and higher are marked with the "Floater" tag so that we can separate those out that are firmly entrenched in Penny Dreadful status. Periodically, the list is purged of cards that have floated away to a price of above 0.02, so that we're tracking only what is currently hovering around 0.01-0.02 and not a complete anthology of cards that have reached 0.01 at any point in history. Note that doing this effectively sometimes requires duplicating a card across multiple printings to make it easier to track whether there exists at least one printing of the card at 0.01.

Long term, the plan is to draft only with non-floaters to try and get a stable baseline of the format. Ultimately, if the concept catches on a set of period rotation dates might make more sense, but right now this is in R&D phase.

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