PoundingDews Commander Cube
(376 Card Cube)
PoundingDews Commander Cube
Cube ID
Art by Raoul VitaleArt by Raoul Vitale
376 Card Commander Vintage Cube3 followers
Designed by PoundingDews
Mana Pool$453.11

This cube is designed to mix limited and commander, emulating Commander Legends draft.

Draft Format: 4 player commander legends-style. 3 20 card packs, each pack seeded with two legendaries. Two picks at a time.

When drafting the cube, if you see a commander you can safely assume that there are enough cards in the cube to support what it wants to do. That said, the basic archetypes are below.

Draft Archetypes:

Azorius: Blink
Gruul: Stompy
Selesnya: Tokens
Dimir: Graveyard
Boros: Aggro/Tokens
Izzet: Spellslinger
Rakdos: Aristocrats
Golgari: Reanimator
Simic: Ramp
Orzhov: Taxes/Control

Grixis: Spellslinger
Jund: Sacrifice
Naya: Tokens
Jeskai: Spellslinger
Abzan: Reanimator
Temur: Stompy
Esper: Flyers/Enchantress
Bant: Value/Blink
Sultai: Ramp
Mardu: Aggro

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