Ravnica Remastered [180]
(180 Card Cube)
Ravnica Remastered [180]
Cube ID
Art by Dany OrizioArt by Dany Orizio
180 Card Unpowered Modern Cube6 followers
Designed by Rainking
Mana Pool$33.96

Welcome to my first foray into Cube in creating a curated version of the original Ravnica Block. Given that my playgroup is relatively small, I have opted for a modest size of 180 cards, intended for 2–4 players.

The aim of this cube is to distill each guild to its essence. This involves honing in on one main archetype per guild, as guided by key multicoloured signposts:
Boros: Aggro — going wide and combat tricks
Selesnya: Midrange — token generation and convoke
Golgari: Midrange — sacrifice payoffs and dredge
Dimir: Control — milling as an alternate win condition
Izzet: Tempo — fliers and spell payoffs
Gruul: Midrange — bloodthirst enablers and payoffs
Orzhov: Control — life drain
Rakdos: Aggro — hellbent enablers and payoffs
Simic: Midrange — +1/+1 counter synergy
Azorius: Tempo — ground control and fliers

Given the small size, the cube prioritises mono-coloured cards that fill niches in multiple guilds. However, even so, the limited card pool incentivises two-colour decks, splashing a third. Lastly, I have opted to avoid overly expensive cards to keep the cube budget-friendly.

Any constructive feedback would be much appreciated. :)

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