A 540-card cube built from all Ravnica sets.
Notes on card selection:
Notes on card distribution
The mechanics and archetypes:
The cube aims to mix the guild mechanics from the sets although it focuses mainly on 1-2 mechanics per guild. Below the mechanics are listed for each guild as well as their main available strategies.
Mechanics: Forecast (Rav), Detain (RtR), Addendum (GoR).
Main strategies: Control or Detain-Aggro.
Azorius' gameplan is usually to be the control archetype. All the 3 guild mechanics support this well so the guild has a lot of options. The detain mechanic can also be used in a more aggressive way to lock down the opponents blockers.
Mechanics: Haunt (Rav), Extort (RtR), Afterlife (GoR).
Main strategies: Life-Gain and/or Token/Sacrifice.
Orzhov's gameplan is usually to be a grindy midrange/control deck. Extort makes it possible to win through small incremental damage. Afterlife is also great with the sacrifice archetype in black, red or green. Orzhov can also follow a life-gain strategy through cards like Karlov of the Ghost Council, Dawn of Hope etc. I find Haunt to be a bit clunky so it is not found on many cards in this cube.
Mechanics: Radiance (Rav), Battalion (RtR), Mentor (GoR).
Main strategies: Aggro with go-wide and/or +1/+1 counter themes.
Boros is on of the two aggro-archetypes. The gameplan is usually to overwhelm the opponent with creatures and utilize the Battalion and Mentor mechanics to win fast. Burn spells also support this archetype.
Mechanics: Convoke (Rav + GoR), Populate (RtR).
Main strategies: Populate/Tokens and/or Life-Gain and/or +1/+1 Counters.
Selesnya is a go-wide archetype usually through tokens with the Populate mechanic. I found that Selesnya in general lacks ways to make tokens that are not 1/1's and thus lacks ways to gain enough value from populate to make it worth it. I have therefore included multiple copies of certain cards that make 3/3 tokens early on: Call of the Conclave and Centaur's Herald. Hopefully this is enough, but I am open to include more token generators if it is insufficient.
Mechanics: Transmute (Rav), Cipher (RtR), Surveil (GoR).
Main strategies: Surveil-Control and/or Mill.
Dimir's gameplan is usually to be a control deck but other options are available as well. Surveil supports graveyard interaction and mill is also a very viable option. Surveil is very well supported and Transmute are used on a few cards - but I found the Cipher cards in general to be overpriced and not good enough for the cube.
Mechanics: Replicate (Rav). Overload (RtR), Jump-start (GoR).
Main strategies: Spells-Matter synergy.
Izzet usually follows a "spells matter" gameplan. All the 3 guild mechanics support this well and there are plenty of creatures that provides value through instant and sorceries.
Mechanics: Graft (Rav), Evolve (RtR), Adapt (GoR).
Main strategies: +1/+1 Counters and/or Control.
Simic is the +1/+1 counter deck. All 3 guild mechanics support this strategy in various ways and there are a lot of cards that gains additional value from counters.
Mechanics: Hellbent (Rav), Unleash (RtR), Spectacle (GoR).
Main strategies: Aggro and/or Sacrifice.
Rakdos in general has two possible gameplans: aggro or sacrifice. Aggro is pretty straight forward: Both Unleash and Spectacle supports and rewards this strategy. However there are also plenty of sacrifice support in both sacrifice enablers, value creatures and anchor cards. I find Hellbent to be a somewhat boring mechanic so it is not used too much in this cube.
Mechanics: Dredge (Rav), Scavenge (RtR), Undergrowth (GoR).
Main strategies: Graveyard-synergy and/or Ramp.
Golgari usually wants to build on graveyard synergy that is supported by all 3 guild mechanics. It has access to ramp a few sacrifice options as well.
Mechanics: Bloodthirst (Rav), Bloodrush (RtR), Riot (GoR).
Main strategies: Ramp and/or +1/+1 Counters.
Gruul is the ramp arhcetype that combines aggro with ramping into big creatures fast. It synergizes very well with the +1/+1 counter archetype.
Other: Additionally there are two War of the Spark mechanics: Proliferate and Amass. Proliferate is featured on a few cards to support the +1/+1 counter strategies. Amass is also used on a few cards as I find it supports the sacrifice strategy pretty well. There are also a few cards that value guild-gates such as Guild Summit and Gate Colossus as well as cards that can utilize 5-colors as a pay-off for collecting guild-gates.
Feel free to comment/suggest changes to the cube :)