Cloned from Home Artisan Cube
Home Artisan Cube DescriptionThis cube includes cards that have had common and uncommon printings anywhere throughout the history of magic. I tried to create solid archetypes to teach the concepts of draft to my children and to have a well rounded cube.
Draft Archetypes W/U BirdsFlying and bird synergy is the focus of the blue/white deck. The creatures are pretty small and aggressive but the evasion should help you get damage in to your opponent.
W/B LifegainGaining life and draining it from the enemy are the main tools of the white/black deck. Keep yourself topped off and slowly dwindle the life of your opponent. Several synergies for creatures and spells that get better when life is gained.
W/R SoldiersQuick synergistic damage on the ground and plenty of combat tricks to push through damage from the weenie archetype in the cube. Soldiers have a lot of cards that can push them over the top.
W/G TokensGo wide with token generators and support for all those ephemeral creatures. Tokens of various kinds and supported with cards like Anthem effects.
U/B FaeriesTricky and sneaky faeries that fly and get played at instant speed and bring along their own bags of magic. Counter spells, draw cards, and rip cards out of your opponents hand on the back of the little sprites.
U/R WizardsWizards care about spells and we have plenty of both in red and blue. Burn spells and card manipulation go perfectly alongside these wizards who are looking to deal their extra points of damage right to the opponent's face.
U/G RampBuild up fast to play fatty creatures that will stomp all over your opponents. Search for lands and drop them into play to get to your top end fast.
B/R SacrificeGet value when your creatures hit the graveyard in this tricky deck style. Synergy with small creatures who are begging to be sacrificed and the stronger creatures who are happy to do it. Bonus points for the control spells that take control of your opponent's creatures for you to sacrifice.
B/G Self-MillFill your graveyard with spells and use cards that care about everything else in that zone. Cast spells that bring creatures back from your graveyard to the battlefield and cheat them into play.
R/G WerewolvesSavage werewolves tear up your opponents. Your werewolves carry a diverse number of effects, but when night falls they can maul your opponents creatures.