Rocky Mountain Yeti Old Frame Battle Box

Cube ID
Art by Tom WänerstrandArt by Tom Wänerstrand

503 Card Battle Box Multiplayer Legacy Cube

Designed by classicinkRSSQR Code

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Welcome to the Rocky Mountain Yeti Battle Box! This build is at its core a 93/94 old school project but to facilitate more efficient removal options and to keep variety high, the pool has been expanded to all old frame sets.

Special rules for the RMY Battle Box:

  1. There is a single Library and a single Graveyard.

  2. All basic lands are indestructible but are NOT hexproof.

  3. If a card requires you to sacrifice a land, it returns to your land station and is not playable for three turns.

  4. Land stations have 15 basic lands, three of each color.

  5. Each player starts with five cards in hand. Start by drawing seven cards, keep five, and bottom the other two. There are no additional mulligans.

  6. Turns 1-3 you draw a card AND play a land from your land station.

  7. Starting turn four, you have to choose to either take a land from your land station or draw off the communal library. If a card gives you the opportunity to draw a card, you can draw from either your land station or the library.


The Dominaria Effect

The battle box has a set of "Enchant World" cards published in old frame. This pile is placed next to the library and before the game starts, one of the enchantments is turned face up and takes effect. A four sided dice is rolled and placed on top of the enchantment. The dice counts down each turn and when it reaches zero, the process is repeated.

These enchantments are indestructible, hexproof and affect all players.

Dominaria Pile:

Dragon Arch
Winter Orb
The Abyss
Winter's Night
Elkin Lair
Mystic Decree
Worms of the Earth
Forsaken Wastes
Serra Aviary
Dingus Staff
Teferi's Realm
Howling Mine
AEther Storm
Concordant Crossroads
Titania's Song
Zur's Weirding
Pillar Tombs of Aku
Underworld Dreams
Psychic Allergy
Bazaar of Wonders
Energy Flux
Nether Void
Tourach's Chant
Hall of Gemstones
Black Vise
The Rack
Feroz's Ban