Starter Deck: Magic As Garfield Intended
(858 Card Cube)
Starter Deck: Magic As Garfield Intended
Cube ID
Art by Melissa A. BensonArt by Melissa A. Benson
858 Card Cube5 followers
Designed by eerieisland
Mana Pool$2121.38

"I attack you with my Shivan Dragon."

"I Terror it!"

That's how it all started. No Arena. No sleeves. We barely knew the rules. Do you ever miss it?

Now, Over 25 years later, we're going back there.

Introducing Starter Deck, a vintage sealed format that takes you back to how we used to play.


  • You receive a starter deck with 60 unsleeved cards. The starter decks have 6 Rares/Mythics, 18 uncommons, 33 commons and 3 non basic lands. You also get $5 in dragon coins.
  • You build a 40 card deck.
  • You can keep an additional 18 cards in the trade binder. These are your sideboard and also trade fodder. You can trade with anyone else in the league. (including with dragon coins)
  • Cards that don't fit in your starter deck go to the "Card Shop."
  • "Card Shop" Prices: Commons/Unmarked 2 for $1, Uncommons $1, Nonbasic lands $2, Rares/Mythics $3
  • Every time you record a win, get the person you defeated a dragon coin ($1)
  • No using the internet for rules disputes


  • Interactive, back and forth games which means keeping efficient cards in check
  • Iconic Cards
  • Assigning my own rarities to cards to make for interesting drafts, deck building and gameplay (cards with their rarity changed are stamped)
  • Synergy: Mostly sub themes, pockets of synergies, let people do what they want, tribes
  • Staying firmly in the color pie
  • Smoothing Mechanics: cycling, kicker, morph, flashback, scry, cantrips
  • 720 cards. Each color (plus Gold/Artifact): 3 Mythic, 14 Rare, 43 Uncommon, 60 common
  • Rares should be powerful effects and build arounds, steering clear of super powerful effects that every deck wants
  • No overly complex cards or mechanics. Beer and pretzels style gameplay
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