450 Cards | Peasant Rarity | Modern Frame Only | Best-of-Magic | Est. 2013
I'm Austin and I've been playing since Mirrodin Besieged. I created this cube and have been updating it with each new set release to capture the best gameplay Magic has to offer at peasant rarity. This gives me a reason to be excited for more commons / uncommons during spoiler season, and lets many fun archetypes shine without being overshadowed by super-powered strategies often showcased in full-rarity cubes. Hope you like it!
MAIN ARCHETYPESIn addition to the classic single-color strengths ( Burn,
Devotion, etc.), this cube supports several two-color archetypes that blend well with neighboring guilds. Here they are:
Size: 450 Cards (10 seats)
Distribution: 66 Per Color, 70 Colorless, 50 Guild
Total number of drafts to date: 106 (We're over 100!)
Feel free to run a draft and leave some feedback if you liked/disliked how certain cards feel in the list. Check out the blog tab to keep up to date on recent additions/cuts!
As time's gone on, I've found it easier to lump multiple sets' worth of changes into mega-updates for two reasons. First, there's just so much product nowadays and life busy enough that I can't always keep up. Second, I prefer to have time to test new cards and give them 'time to marinate' to see whether I like how they affect the cube before 'officially' adding them in. Time and real-life testing will tell, of course.
This time, I'll keep the post short. There have been plenty of interesting peasant-relevant cards released lately - so many, in fact, that I may have missed some when evaluating for this cube. The power level of uncommon cards has morphed in recent years, which invites a lot of change to the list. That's a good thing!
This update brings upgrades across the board for a variety of archetypes and strategies. Overall, I'm pretty happy with the additions. I finally got to rid the list of low-hanging fruit and supercharge themes with new ones. I'm particularly excited for sacrifice, flavors of
flash, and
aggro to get meaningful boosts.