Sudden Death
(54 Card Cube)
Sudden Death
Cube ID
Art by James PaickArt by James Paick
54 Card Cube1 follower
Designed by Dirxcec
Mana Pool$10.51

Clone of Chemslayer's Sudden Death Cube as of 1/1/2022:

Bite-sized Magic! Quick to draft and play, first-pick revitalize and beware the one-mana 1/1s!

Two players grid-draft the entire 54-card cube, then each build a 15 card deck. Each player starts at 1 life, but otherwise the game proceeds by normal Magic rules. Games usually last ~10-15 minutes including drafting, and the entire experience + land station fits in a deckbox!

[Original design taken from BreadWedding's sudden-death cube!]