sprEEEzy's Competitive Medium-Power Cube
(450 Card Cube)
sprEEEzy's Competitive Medium-Power Cube
Cube ID
Art by Darrell RicheArt by Darrell Riche
450 Card Unpowered Legacy Cube10 followers
Designed by sprEEEzy
Mana Pool$451.20

All rarities, no broken cards, no duds! A synergistic approach where most cards support 2 or more archetypes.

Double-faced cards are not present, due to their negative impact on game flow. Unfun mechanics, like land destruction, are either not present, or very restricted.

Aggro wbr

Classic low-cost creatures and disruptive effects.

Midrange wrg (b)

Dominate the field with creatures that can pull their own weight.

Control wub

Stop every threat with counter spells and removal.

Ramp gc

Get lots of mana fast to cast big creatures.

+1/+1 Counters wg (ubrc)

Buff creatures with counters and enable powerful combos.

Burn r

Direct all your damage straight to opponent's life total.

Draw Matters u

Draw cards with cheap spells and get powerful payoffs.

Flicker wu

Abuse strong "ETB" effect creatures to control the game.

Graveyard Matters bg (ur)

Grind your opponent to death thru graveyard synergies.

Tokens wubrgc

Flood the field with tokens and buff them with anthems.

Big Reanimator ubrgc (w)

Get big creatures into the graveyard and reanimate them.

Small Reanimator wbr (ug)

Recur small creatures repeatedly to flood the board.

Sacrifice br (wug)

Turn small creatures into burn damage and other payoffs.

Spells Matter wubr

Cast as many spells as possible to trigger powerful payoffs.

Cheat rg (u)

Cast big creatures for free within first few turns.

Equipment wrc

Focus your power on single creatures.

Artifacts wubrgc

Get massive value using artifact synergies.

5 Color wubrg

Get the best of each color.

Unsupported / Irrelevant Text

Text printed on cards within this cube that have no effect / no support in this environment - Commander, Splice, etc.

All mono colored decks supported. 3+ colored decks are viable.

2025-01-26 - v3.0, New description + more cards incoming
2022-10-28 - v2.0, added many new cards, removed duds, stronger artifact support
2022-06-11 - v1.0, ORDERED
2022-06-01 - v0.6, rebalance
2022-05-25 - v0.5, added artifacts matter support
2022-05-05 - v0.4, big rebalance
2022-05-02 - v0.3, lots more fine tuning
2022-04-25 - v0.2, rebalanced aggro
2022-04-22 - v0.1

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