The 270 Foundation
(270 Card Cube)
The 270 Foundation
Cube ID
Art by Chris RallisArt by Chris Rallis
270 Card Unpowered Standard Cube0 followers
Designed by Magic001
Mana Pool$195.99

This Cube is a 270 card draft format made for 6 players. It's designed for a flexible archetype designation, built around synergies, tribes and bombs rather than traditional archetypes. Each color has the ability to either be played in an aggressive or synergy / defensive manner. The restriction of the cube is that every card has to be from the mainline foundations set.

There is a module that the cube is designed to function with, as well, which turns the cube into a commander cube.

w-u: Flicker
w-b: Life-gain
w-r: Combat Matters
w-g: Enchantments
u-b: Zombies / Graveyard
u-r: Spells / Dragons
u-g: +1/+1 Counters
b-r: Aggressive Sacrifice
b-g: Death Matters / Graveyard
r-g: Power / Toughness

Commander Module
This cube can take two different forms. With just this module, its a mid-powered, 6 player, traditional cube. However, by adding 210 cards from commander masters, the cube becomes an 8 player, 60 card, higher powered commander cube.

Commander Options

w White w



u Blue u



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