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First Cube
(391 Card Cube)
First Cube
Cube ID
Art by Mark TedinArt by Mark Tedin
391 Card Cube1 follower
Designed by xPr3DaTuRx
Mana Pool$1926.70

This is my first cube!

This is all from my personal collection so most likely very underpowered.
I tried to stick to some archetypes those being:
UW/GW Blink
GU: Big Mana Ramp
BW: Aristocrats
UR: Spellslinger
UB: Mill/Reanimator
GB: Reanimator
Abzan: Value
WR: Voltron

Some cards may not make sense like Maelstrom Nexus. These are just for fun if someone decides to try and go 5 color. If anyone has suggestions I would appreciate it! Looking forward to upgrading and optimizing this project.


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