The Good Ol' Cube
(117 Card Cube)
The Good Ol' Cube
Cube ID
Art by Mark TedinArt by Mark Tedin
117 Card Cube0 followers
Designed by Zebrot
Mana Pool$365.28


bg Graveyard :
Prevent your opponent from getting on the board, then unleash the power of the graveyard.
Fair archetype, uses the graveyard as a ressource.

gw Humans :
Human Synergies that reward you for going wide, with a controlling vibe.
Fair archetype, with a toolbox-y arsenal of disruptive creatures.

wu Flyers :
Draw out the game while pecking in the air, press your advantage with some card quantity/quality.
Fair archetype, goes small and prevents the opponent from developping their game plan.

ur Spells :
Establish an early spell payoff, and chain cantrips and interaction to crush the opponent.
Can play fair or unfair, uses the power of cantrips to get to its few efficient threats.

rb Monsters :
Take full advantage of the unearth mechanics, and other "vanishing" or self-recursive creatures.
Fair archetype that uses unearth creatures as recursive sources of value or burn.
Gets countered by Tokens,

bgw Abzan Maverick
gwu Bant Flash Tempo
wur Jeskai Prowess
urb Grixis Spellnimator
rbg Jund Monsters

Mix and Match !

controly = Reanimator : early drop d'une grosse créature, soit énorme soit mulldrifter soit hexproff (riverwinder/ward). 5/5 hexproof, ou 11/11 sans protection T2-T3 c'est gérable. Doit ensuite protéger sa bête et la faire passer. Similaire aux decks delvers ! petite game, grosse threats et interactions ultra efficaces. Réanimator = build son deck pour faire de Reanimate un 1cmc 5/5Hexproof ou de persist un 2cmc 10/10. Donc les Cheat targets doivent être faiblardes, mais les sorts de réanimation doivent être OP.

Aggrocombo : Berserkers, GR aggro. Landfall + Combat tricks. Drops 1 et 2 qui finissent le plus vite possible, ou pression constante de devoir bloquer sinon BOUM. Pas trop face-up si possible ? Landfall est faceup (?)

W en couleur midrange blink /humain c'est bangers. Recruiter of the guard, Elesh MoM...

Aggro-control : flash Bant, flash flyers et contresorts. Similaires à DnT, Maverick, Faeries. Utilise des petit fliers et des contresorts pour les protéger.

Combo-midrange: aristocrats ?

I want the power-level to be on the lower side, slightly higher than the srongest retail limited formats. Decks have some time to developp a game plan, but tempo is still a deciding factor.
I aim for a T4 deciding turn speed.
Some archetypes might sometimes get there faster, but this is the "nuts draw" from a very fast archetype, not a regular occurence. This means both players have more time to prepare their defenses, exchange some ressources, and build a board before a game-ending combo / threat is presented.

Mainboard Changelist+1, -0
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