(519 Card Cube)
Cube ID
Art by Scott M. FischerArt by Scott M. Fischer
519 Card Peasant Vintage Cube4 followers
Designed by LDRBuns
Mana Pool$846.52

Commons and Rares are no where to be found in this singleton uncommon cube. This synergy based cube was an idea I had back a couple years ago. I didn't want to build a normal budget cube or a pauper cube, so I had the idea to only include cards that were printed at uncommon at one point or another. Soon realizing powerful cards like Force of Will and Channel were printed at uncommon in their original set made this cube have validity as well as a fun aspect of power. After many years of balance and community feedback, I have landed on a cube that I find plays really well and generates a plethora of fun and interactive games. Bellow are the color pairs and strategies.

wu - Unblockable Steel
The Azorious color pair was always hard for me to find a good balance between fun and power level. Originally bringing a token/artifact based strategy with cards like skullclamp and Thopter Foundry, it was too powerful and still had access to great removal and tempo in the wu colors. Now, while still leaning into artifacts, wu is a tempo based fliers deck that revolves around picking up a couple good creatures and suiting them up with equipment and getting them through with good tempo based removal.

Good Pickups / Signs it's Open

wb - Aristocrats
My favorite strategy in all of magic is that of the Aristocrats. It was pretty easy to put this archetype together in its best colors. If you know anything about aristocrats, basically you grab a Blood Artist type effect, a sacrifice outlet, and then make a bunch of creatures to sacrifice. w is notoriously good at making a lot of dudes, and b is notoriously good at getting rid of them. If you see aristocrat pieces floating around, make sure to pick them up.

Good Pickups / Signs it's Open

wr - Equipment / Go Wide
With w's ability to fetch and use powerful artifacts and r's ability to go fast, Equipment based aggro is the logical choice for this color pair. Many r cards also care about being modified, so splashing g for a boost with +1/+1 counters and enchantments could go a long way.

Good Pickups / Signs it's Open

wg - +1/+1 Counters
Rounding out the w color pairs in gw. With small creatures running around, green is here to make things bigger and better. The Renown, Proliferate, and Outlast mechanics are your best friends in this deck. This is the closest deck to traditional midrange you will find in this cube.

Good Pickups / Signs it's Open

ub - Mill
Everyone has strong feelings about mill, but either way, the Dimir are looking to put cards into graveyards. Blue has many cards that mill either players and black is very good at reanimating creatures. Thus, mill can go both ways. You can choose to lean more control and reanimate big threats, or go hyper mill and crab your way to victory!

Good Pickups / Signs it's Open

ur - Draw 2 / Prowess
Izzet Spells? Of Course! Look to make the most of powerful early cantrips using token generators and prowess creatures to make you draw spells pack a punch. Something something "a Bolt from a Brainstorm"...

Good Pickups / Signs it's Open

ug - The Land of Sagas / Enchantress
Have you ever wanted to force five color AND go 3/0 in a draft? Then a ug shell might be the deck for you! With many ramp, sagas, and landfall cards, the Simic are trying to go big and be as greedy as possible. With a strong cube mana base and the ability to search for basics, green can find your other four colors easy. A heavy blue focus allows you to draw into you bombs and not fall behind due to card advantage. As it is 5 color, this deck can go into any of the above or bellow strategies as well.

Good Pickups / Signs it's Open

br - Sacrifice / Treasure
Rakdos have become quite good in the past two years of magic. Since the release of treasure and homogenization of sacrifice decks going into these colors across many sets, it felt almost wrong not to make br a sacrifice theme. Enjoy looping treasures to your Mayhem Devil.

Good Pickups / Signs it's Open

bg - Reanimator
Putting big stuff into play has always been fun in mtg. Now you can do it at the low low cost of your life total. Instead of ramping like ug, you can dump big creatures into your graveyard with discard or mill cards and then bring them back into play with reanimation spells.

Good Pickups / Signs it's Open

gr - Modified / Go Big
Last, but certainly not least, is Gruul. This is my cubes definition of Junding them out. Inherently you will be buffing you creatures with equipment, auras, and counters, so card that use the modified key word or care about these thing are always welcome. You are trying to overrun and out stat your opponent.

Good Pickups / Signs it's Open

Mainboard Changelist+85, -53

Lots of cards have been named "not fun" and I agree with almost all of them. Gut, Channel, Strength testing Hammer, Craig Boon, Curse of Predation, Icing Manipulator, Territory Culler, etc.

Totals for UB Cards and MH3 Cards

  • UB = 20 (4%)
  • MH3 = 7 (1.4%)

With many powerful cards gone, I wanted to change a couple archetypes and make sure gameplay is fun rather than that of a solitaire style gameplay. Thus Storm and Channel UG are now gone. Replacing this will be the draw 2 archetype from MH1 and Saga/Enchantment Subtheme in UG. I will also be testing more of an artifact subtheme within RB by adding the ally talismans. I am also adding Strip Mine and Wasteland to make the inevitable slowed down meta a bit worse as 5 color bounce land has crept up from nerfs in the past. I am adding more than 500 cards and I will reevaluate when Tarkir 2 comes out. Hopefully new enchantments and cool cards excluded in the past can make the cube feel just as special, but with less non-games and "bait cards".

More Updates to come!

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