(510 Card Cube)
Cube ID
Art by Michael WhelanArt by Michael Whelan
510 Card Powered Vintage Cube3 followers
Designed by jasonious
Mana Pool$49336.90

This is a cube designed to play Alpha to Ice Age, which is my favorite era of cards. It is fully Powered to allow for easy splashing of single cards, and also runs two of each original dual land plus the five Ice Age pain lands for the same reason.

There are a lot of gold cards in the cube because I personally love seeing Gold Legends hitting the tabletop.

This cube is not entirely about just having the cube itself, but has been a journey for me as I attempt to collect a singleton set of every card from Unlimited through Alliances. Although Homelands and Alliances are not currently represented in the cube, they might make appearances here and there. I am currently four expansion cards from de-proxying this cube (Nether Void, The Abyss, Drop of Honey, Mishra's Workshop, with a Bazaar on it's way to me), and six Unlimited cards from de-proxying the entire cube. My ultimate goal is to have one of every card available from those sets with which to make changes to the cube. I'm unsure if I'll ever be able to obtain the two big Power pieces (Lotus and Twister) due to prices, so I might end up using Collector's Edition printings in their places.

All that said, I'm extremely excited to be so close to finishing off all of the expansions, which I should be able to finish by early 2024, depending on what Workshop prices look like.

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