Artifact Masters
Ever since I started playing magic, I have felt a special draw to the world of Artifacts. The deep synergy within the archetype, the clockwork, golems, relics and pieces of the past, have always drawn me closer and closer. There is no greater feeling in this world than having Metalcraft online! You'll find me casting Thought Monitor's and cracking Mishra's Bauble's every Friday afternoon.
This cube is the culmination of my adoration for this card type. It's goal is to showcase the world of artifacts in a myriad of ways, so let's jump right into the cube!
Basic Rules
This cube is not a singleton cube! Conventionally, the artifacts archetype can be found in UR colors, but in order to expand to other color combinations and look at artifacts from different points of view, the singleton rule was broken to facilitate several other strategies that would not otherwise be possible.
Another important rule! Every basic land in your final deck is an artifact in addition to it's other types! I felt this decision would lead to an interesting environment, wherein some cards that would be otherwise mediocre, end up being absolute bombs in this cube. Additionally, I thought this would simulate a constructed artifact deck best, making the most of the artifact synergies available to us.

This archetype looks to abuse the 'enters the battlefield' triggers of several artifacts to their fullest extent. With enablers such as Esperzoa and Soulherder, we can generate value and board presence by flickering and bouncing cards like Circuit Mender, Ichor Wellspring and Ingenious Smith. Keep an eye out for these key enablers, and be ready for a value-heavy style of gameplay! This archetype cross-pollinates with a number of other colors, so don't be afraid to splash!

One of my personal favorite decks, this archetype plays around sacrificing artifacts and creatures for value throughout the game. With excellent payoffs like
Marionette Master and
Experimental Synthesizer, you can accrue value while damaging your opponents. With this deck, you'll never find yourself out of things to do! Keep an eye out for splashes, cards such as
Sai, Master Thopterist and
Sevinne's Reclamation can do work in this deck, offering recursion and card advantage.

+1/+1 Counters
One of the few non-artifact centric archetypes in the cube, this style of play looks to build up a board of beefy creatures, and make the most of artifact-based counters support. Cards such as
The Ozolith,
Hangarback Walker and
Walking Scyscraper provide excellent synergy and board presence. Additionally, the fact that green is included allows for the use of some artifact hate. Be on the lookout for cards like
Knight of Autumn, that can both supplement your strategy, or hate on your opponent's!

Graveyard Control
This archetype is very broad, for the most part it looks to control the pace of the game with efficient counterspells and hand hate, such as
Soul Manipulation and
Divest. It can finish the late game well, with strong finishers like
Tezzeret, Master of the Bridge and
Filigree Attendant, while grinding value and reusing spells from its graveyard. Notable are some potential splashes in white, for a more recursion-based style of gameplay.

One of the most enjoyable archetypes in this cube, the name of the game is Tokens! Build up a board of Treasures, Foods, Clues and whatever trinkets you can find, and utilize them to their fullest extent with cards like
Thoughtcast and
Glimmer Bairn to gain card advantage and pack a punch!

This archetype attempts to preserve some of the common UR tropes. It looks to abuse casting and re-casting non-creature spells, among them artifacts such as
Witching Well and instants and sorceries such as
Preordain, to get recurring benefits and value! Spellslinging is the name of the game! Some powerful pickups include
Lightning Bolt and
Aether Spellbomb to synergize with Prowess and gain tempo.

Weenie Aggro/Disruption
This was one of the most fun archetypes to design and implement. It uses otherwise fringe playable creatures to make the most of this cube's artifact environment. Cards like
Dhund Operative and
Court Homonculus become efficient, early-game threats, that allow you to pressure life totals easily and swing for large amounts of damage! This deck has no problem dipping into other colors, whether its blue for a more tempo-y style of play, red for some burn and more aggressive options, and green for disruption.

Equipment Aggro
This is an aggressive deck, that looks to play early threats and equip them with powerful, game-changing equipment to swing for the win. Look out for cards with the Reconfigure mechanic, as these provide you with added flexibility, as well as important tutor effects such as
Fighter Class and
Stoneforge Mystic. Protect your creatures, suit them up, and swing for the win!

Food Midrange aka. Snackrifice
This is a midrange deck, that gets to dip its toes into the black sacrifice card pool, and the green value and artifact hate cards. Using a variety of food and sacrifice synergistic cards such as
Ravenous Squirrel and
Savvy Hunter, you can fuel your engines, and grind the game out, while keeping yourself full and at a healthy life total! Keep an eye out for the cat-oven combo, it's in here too and great if you can put it together!

Artifact Hate/Ponza